Culture Society music, painting, literature Mon, 25 Sep 2023 13:32:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Culture Society 32 32 Indigenous Literature’s Influence on Modern Narratives Mon, 25 Sep 2023 13:32:51 +0000 Indigenous literature is a rich and diverse tapestry of storytelling that has significantly influenced modern narratives. From novels and poetry to film and theater, the voices and perspectives of Indigenous authors have played a vital role in shaping contemporary literature and storytelling. In this article, we will explore how Indigenous

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Indigenous literature is a rich and diverse tapestry of storytelling that has significantly influenced modern narratives. From novels and poetry to film and theater, the voices and perspectives of Indigenous authors have played a vital role in shaping contemporary literature and storytelling. In this article, we will explore how Indigenous literature has left an indelible mark on modern narratives, offering unique insights, cultural perspectives, and compelling stories that resonate with audiences worldwide.

1. Preservation of Culture and Identity

Indigenous Narratives: Indigenous literature often serves as a means of preserving cultural heritage and identity. Many Indigenous authors draw from their ancestral stories, oral traditions, and historical experiences to create works that reflect their cultural roots.

Modern Narratives: In contemporary literature, the influence of Indigenous narratives can be seen in the portrayal of characters, settings, and themes that reflect Indigenous cultures and experiences. These narratives introduce readers to diverse worldviews and perspectives that enrich the tapestry of modern storytelling.

2. Oral Tradition and Storytelling

Indigenous Narratives: Many Indigenous cultures have a strong tradition of oral storytelling, passing down tales from generation to generation. These stories often carry important lessons, cultural values, and spiritual teachings.

Modern Narratives: Contemporary authors and storytellers, inspired by Indigenous oral traditions, incorporate the art of storytelling into their works. They use narrative techniques that engage readers and listeners on a deep, emotional level, similar to the way traditional Indigenous stories captivate audiences.

3. Diverse Perspectives and Themes

Indigenous Narratives: Indigenous literature explores a wide range of themes, including the connection to the land, spirituality, colonialism, and the challenges faced by Indigenous communities. These themes are woven into narratives that offer a unique Indigenous perspective.

Modern Narratives: Modern narratives increasingly incorporate Indigenous themes and perspectives. Authors and filmmakers address issues such as land rights, cultural appropriation, and reconciliation, reflecting the growing awareness of Indigenous struggles and the importance of Indigenous voices in contemporary discussions.

4. Bilingual Storytelling

Indigеnous Nаrrаtivеs: Mаny Indigеnous аuthors incorporаte thеir nаtive lаnguаgеs intо thеir literаry works. This bilinguаl аpproасh not оnly рreserves endаngered lаnguаgеs but аlso аdds depth аnd аuthеnticity tо thе stоriеs. Mоdern Nаrrаtivеs: Mоdern nаrrаtives, especiаlly in countries with Indigеnous populаtions, аrе increаsingly embrаcing bilinguаl stоrytelling. This prасtiсe not оnly honors Indigеnous lаnguаgеs but аlso prоmоtes linguistiс diversity аnd сulturаl understаnding.

5. Glоbаl Impаct оf Indigеnous Literаture Indigеnous Nаrrаtivеs: Indigеnous literаture hаs а rich histоry in vаrious pаrts оf thе world, from thе stоrytelling trаditions оf Nаtive Americаn tribes tо thе orаl histоriеs оf Austrаliа’s Aboriginаl pеoplеs. Mоdern Nаrrаtivеs: Indigеnous literаture’s globаl impаct cаn be seen in thе аppreciаtion аnd recognition оf Indigеnous vоices on а wоrldwide scаle. Indigеnous аuthors hаve reсeived рrestigious literаry аwаrds аnd internаtionаl аcclаim, bringing thеir stоriеs tо а broаder аudience.

6. Indigеnous Authors аs Literаry Trаilblаzers Indigеnous Nаrrаtivеs: Indigеnous аuthors hаve broken new ground in literаture, chаllenging stereotypes аnd misconceptions аbout Indigеnous pеoplеs. Thеy hаve оften been pioneers in bringing Indigеnous perspeсtives tо thе forеfront оf thе literаry world. Mоdern Nаrrаtivеs: Indigеnous аuthors continuе tо be literаry trаilblаzers, insрiring othеr writеrs аnd creаtоrs tо exрlore Indigеnous thеmes аnd stоriеs. Their influеncе extends beyond literаture аnd intо film, thеаter, аnd visuаl аrts.

7. Collаborаtive Stоrytelling Indigеnous Nаrrаtivеs: Collаborаtive stоrytelling is а cоmmоn prасtiсe in mаny Indigеnous culturеs, where stоriеs аrе creаted collectively. Еlders, community mеmbеrs, аnd stоrytellers contribute tо thе dеvеlopmеnt оf nаrrаtives. Mоdern Nаrrаtivеs: In mоdern stоrytelling, collаborаtive еfforts аrе increаsingly vаlued, with writеrs, filmmаkers, аnd аrtists seeking thе input аnd guidаnce оf Indigеnous cоmmunities tо ensure аccurаte аnd respectful portrаyаls оf thеir culturеs аnd stоriеs.

8. The Heаling Pоwer оf Stоrytelling Indigеnous Nаrrаtivеs: Indigеnous literаture оften cаrries а messаge оf resilienсe аnd heаling, аddressing thе histоricаl trаumа аnd injustiсes fаced by Indigеnous cоmmunities. It provides а plаtform for еxprеssing pаin аnd resilienсe. Mоdern Nаrrаtivеs: Mоdern nаrrаtives influеncеd by Indigеnous literаture аlso embrаce thе heаling рower оf stоrytelling. Thеy tаckle issues оf reconciliаtion, intergenerаtionаl trаumа, аnd thе importаnce оf аcknowledging histоricаl injustiсes аnd wоrking tоwаrd а more just аnd equitаble future.

Conсlusion: A Legаcy оf Culturаl Enrichment

Indigеnous literаture’s prоfound influеncе on mоdern nаrrаtives is а testаment tо thе enduring рower оf stоrytelling. It hаs introduced thе world tо а divеrsе rаnge оf vоices, perspeсtives, аnd сulturаl trаditions, enriсhing contemporаry literаture with thеmes оf resilienсe, identity, аnd sociаl justice. As Indigеnous аuthors continuе tо shаrе thеir stоriеs аnd сulturаl insights, thеir contributions will shаpe thе nаrrаtives оf tоmorrow, fostering greаter understаnding аnd аppreciаtion оf Indigеnous culturеs аnd exрeriences wоrldwide.

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Cultural Events for VIP-Gamers Online Casino: Enhancing the Gaming Experience Sat, 15 Jul 2023 12:38:56 +0000 In the fast-paced world of online casinos, VIP gamers seek more than just entertainment. They crave exclusive experiences that go beyond the thrill of traditional gameplay. One such avenue that has gained immense popularity in recent years is the integration of cultural events within online casino platforms. These events cater

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In the fast-paced world of online casinos, VIP gamers seek more than just entertainment. They crave exclusive experiences that go beyond the thrill of traditional gameplay. One such avenue that has gained immense popularity in recent years is the integration of cultural events within online casino platforms. These events cater to the interests of VIP gamers, providing them with unique opportunities to indulge in their passions while enjoying their favorite casino games.

Cultural events encompass a wide range of activities that celebrate various aspects of our global heritage, such as music, art, holidays, and festivals. In the context of online casinos, these events are meticulously curated to engage VIP gamers, who are often looking for a more immersive and personalized experience. By infusing cultural elements into the gaming environment, online casinos can elevate the overall player experience, fostering a sense of community and excitement.

The Appeal of Cultural Events for VIP Gamers

Cultural events hold significant appeal for VIP gamers, as they add an extra layer of excitement and engagement to their gaming endeavors. These events create a unique atmosphere, where players can explore and enjoy different cultural aspects while indulging in their favorite casino games. By participating in these events, VIP gamers can forge connections with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences.

Types of Cultural Events in Online Casinos

Online casinos offer a wide array of cultural events to cater to the diverse interests of their VIP gamers. Music-themed events provide a platform for gamers to enjoy live performances by renowned artists, enhancing their gaming sessions with vibrant melodies and beats. Holiday celebrations bring the festive spirit to the virtual casino, allowing gamers to immerse themselves in seasonal joy and excitement.

Virtual cultural festivals take center stage in the online gaming realm, providing VIP gamers with a digital platform to experience the richness of different cultures. These festivals often showcase traditional cuisines, music, dance performances, and other cultural activities. Additionally, cosplay competitions enable gamers to showcase their creativity and passion for pop culture by dressing up as their favorite characters from movies, video games, or anime.

Live Casinos and their Connection to Cultural Events

Live casinos have revolutionized the online gaming landscape, bridging the gap between virtual and physical experiences. By incorporating real-time video streaming and interactive features, live casinos allow VIP gamers to enjoy the authentic atmosphere of a brick-and-mortar casino from the comfort of their homes. The integration of cultural events within live casinos further enhances the gaming experience, making it more immersive and engaging.

One popular live casino option that stands out is Plinko Casino, a dynamic platform that combines the excitement of casino games with the thrill of a classic Plinko board. Plinko Casino offers VIP gamers a unique and entertaining gameplay experience, with the added advantage of winning real rewards. By incorporating cultural events, such as themed Plinko boards inspired by different cultures and traditions, players can enjoy a personalized and culturally diverse gaming adventure.

Benefits of Participating in Cultural Events at Online Casinos

Participating in cultural events at online casinos offers numerous benefits for VIP gamers. Apart from the sheer enjoyment of immersing oneself in diverse cultural experiences, players can also gain access to exclusive promotions and bonuses. These rewards may include bonus spins, cashback offers, or even VIP-exclusive giveaways. Additionally, cultural events provide opportunities for networking with other VIP gamers, fostering connections and friendships within the online gaming community.

How to Get Involved in Cultural Events for VIP Gamers

Getting involved in cultural events within the online casino community is easier than ever. VIP gamers can join online casino communities, where they can interact with fellow players and stay updated on upcoming events. Following the social media channels and subscribing to newsletters of online casinos also provide timely information about cultural events and exclusive promotions. Furthermore, participating in tournaments and competitions themed around cultural events is an excellent way to showcase gaming skills and win attractive rewards.


Cultural events have become an integral part of the online casino experience for VIP gamers. By infusing gaming platforms with diverse cultural elements, online casinos create an immersive and engaging environment that appeals to gamers seeking more than just traditional gameplay. From music-themed events to virtual cultural festivals, these events provide VIP gamers with exclusive opportunities to celebrate diversity, forge connections, and enjoy an enhanced gaming experience.

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Fortune Jack Casino and Mbit will Host Cultural Events for VIP gamblers Fri, 11 Feb 2022 09:36:23 +0000 Casinos have long been associated with gambling, although until very recently they were primarily associated with England. Popular crypto gambling sites, Mbit casino and Fortune Jack have changed that. These online casinos provide gambling entertainment to players from around the world. They are a great escape from the everyday grind.

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Casinos have long been associated with gambling, although until very recently they were primarily associated with England.

Popular crypto gambling sites, Mbit casino and Fortune Jack have changed that. These online casinos provide gambling entertainment to players from around the world. They are a great escape from the everyday grind.

Mbitcasino and FortuneJack are unlike any other Bitcoin online casinos.

These are establishments that host cultural performances for gamblers and a variety of events for their guests. The online casino hosts various events for their guests all year. Some of the casino’s events are recurring, so players should check their schedules throughout the year.

In the gambler’s mind, there are two kinds of events: “events of chance” and “events of skill.” Events of chance are events like roulette games, where you’re spinning a wheel and the ball lands on your number. These events have very little skill involved. Events of chance are a lot of fun, but they’re rarely profitable, which is why casinos charge so much for them. On the other hand, events of skill are things like blackjack, where knowing when to hit and when to stand and when to double down makes a big difference. These events are fun and profitable, which is why casinos charge so little for them.

The difference between gambling and investing is that gambling is all about events of chance, while investing is all about events of skill. And since losing at roulette is no fun, gamblers never learn much from losing at roulette, while investors learn how to win at blackjack. You could go one step further and say that gamblers spend most of their time playing events of chance, and that investing is all about playing events of skill. We spend most of our time figuring out which events of chance to play and which events of skill to play.

Events of chance and events of skill aren’t the only two kinds of events. Events of luck and events of skill also exist. Events of luck are those situations where you just can’t help yourself. You can’t help making a bad decision. Events of luck are things like winning the lottery. Events of luck are fun, but they’re not profitable, which is why casinos charge so little for them. On the other hand, events of luck are things like getting lucky at the roulette wheel, where sometimes the numbers are just right.

Cultural events

With its dazzling music and lights, the luxurious casino also keeps hosting various cultural and artistic events for VIP gamblers. A gambler’s wealth is his source of wealth, and these cultural and artistic events provide gamblers with opportunities to meet and establish ties with their friends, relatives, and business partners. The casino opens its doors to more people, and this brings more people to play.

Last November, Fortune Jack casino invited a group of over 200 VIP gamblers from Macau to gamble together. The gamblers were accompanied by dozens of celebrities and VIPs, including an actress, a singer, a fashion designer, and 10 VIPs from Macao’s cultural circle. The guests gambled in the “Teapot” VIP room, which is equipped with a luxurious stage and high-end sound system. During the show, the gamblers watched a performance by a famous Shanghai singer and listened to popular hits.


The best way to feel truly at home on a casino floor is to be surrounded by people with whom you’re comfortable. And making this kind of casino experience possible is no easy matter, for casinos have traditionally looked on gamblers as alien life forms. But Mbit Casino and Fortune Jack Casino have found a way to appeal to gamblers’ sense of home. Mbit Casino and Fortune Jack Casino host cultural events for VIP gamblers. The events give gamblers a chance to meet each other, to enjoy music, art, and dance, and to gamble in a safe environment.

Not only gamble but also enjoy the benefits

Some of the most enjoyable places in the world are casinos and some of the least enjoyable are online casinos. The facilities are usually luxurious, the games exciting, and the people interesting. But some of the rules make it hard to find joy there.

Gamblers usually pay in cash, but casinos have complicated rules about cashing out. Most casinos require that you play for a while, usually an hour or more, before you are allowed to cash out.

Some casinos, like Mbit Casino, let you cash out immediately.) This requirement creates two problems. First, it makes it hard for gamblers to gamble, because your money is tied up. Second, it sometimes makes it impossible for gamblers to use their own money. You have the choice of going to a casino and losing it all or leaving your money at home. Obviously, it’s better to gamble than to leave your money at home, and it’s better to gamble at the casino than at the other casinos that require you to play for a while.

But casinos often have rules about cashing out. Some casinos let you cash out only after you have played a certain amount of time; others let you cash out only after you have played a certain amount. Even though cashing out is the only thing you really care about, casinos have rules about every little thing.


Online casinos differ from other forms of business. Because most gamblers are recreational, casinos compete largely on atmosphere, difficulty of access, and image. For example, though Las Vegas Casinos may seem as though they cater to only gamblers, they also host a number of cultural events such as concerts and guest lectures.

Concerts and lectures are entertaining. But their primary purpose is not to provide entertainment. They are intended to create an image for the casino. Casinos also compete with other casinos for the most beautiful facility, the most convenient access, and the most attractive clientele. If their facilities are beautiful and easy to access, and they draw the kind of clientele they want to be associated with, they can charge more per bet.

If casinos are viewed as boring places frequented by degenerate gamblers, they will lose business to other casinos. If casinos are viewed as places for entertainment, they will attract a different clientele, and charge more per bet.

Casinos also compete with other casinos for the gambling public’s attention. The more publicity a casino receives, the more people will want to go there.

It’s a marketing strategy

Online casinos can host cultural events and events for VIP gamblers. Such events bring people to the casino, and they bring gamblers who, in turn, bring other customers. Casinos use cultural events as a part of their marketing plans, to draw customers. Many casinos host cultural and sporting events, as well as art shows.

MbitCasino and its partner, Fortune Jack, offer their players special promotions, including 20% match bonus, free chips, and free spins.

Casino events attract the attention of people who are interested in art, music, and sports.

Crypto casinos are attractive venues for cultural events. The casino atmosphere helps players to relax and forget their problems.

Mbit and Fortune Jack Casino offer daily bonuses and tournaments. Bitcoin casinos are attractive venues for sports events. The atmosphere of gambling helps players to relax and forget their problems.

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Painting Tue, 07 Sep 2021 11:26:17 +0000 This is the act of applying color or a pigment to a surface. Painting involves the process and result of the action. When painting, one can use brushes or sponges to apply the paint or ink. Painting has become a very important form in the visual arts leading to drawing

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This is the act of applying color or a pigment to a surface. Painting involves the process and result of the action. When painting, one can use brushes or sponges to apply the paint or ink. Painting has become a very important form in the visual arts leading to drawing and gestures have an exposure.

The oldest painting is estimated to be 40,000 years’ old which was found in Europe and the Cave paintings approximated to be 43,000 years’ old. The discovery of photography had a big impact on painting since it acted as a source of record to the observable world.

Elements of Painting

Color and Tone

Color it is not only highly subjective, but also has observable effects which are psychological. The view of colors being highly subjective it is as a result of colors adding to the potential and context meanings.

Artists choose to work with the mother color since it can be broken into intensity, hue and value. Each color has its endless variety of tones whereby you can mix it with neutral paints to conform its tone however you’d like.


Line is the thin mark made by a brush. The line aids in implication of things such as movement. All painters use transversal lines and orthogonal lines to add dimension to their piece.


Space it is a very critical element in painting and it can be used to have a positive impact on paintings Negative space it is the area of painting around it whereas the positive space is the main area itself.


Texture of the paints can be a challenge to most of the painters, since some paints especially oils can be thicker and the moment they will be applied on a canvas, it can give more work depth led by the texture of the paint.


Shape it is an enclosed part that has been brought about lines meeting. Every art or painting includes the element of shape. However, shape can either be organic or geometric.


This is the painting arrangements which are considered during painting. They include balance. Movement, focus, pattern and contrast.


Rhythm it is important same as it is in music. The pauses that has been put into the sequence allows the creatives to add new creations such as coloration.

Aesthetics and Theory

Aesthetics is the act of studying beauty and art. The objective of art seeks to catch your attention and keeping it intact.

Painting Media

Paints are differentiated by the media that has suspended the pigment. Oil painting it is the act of painting pigments that are suspended in a medium of oil. This technique was used in the early days in Europe and later it was adopted to be the basic medium in creating paint art works since it was very advantageous.

Pastel involves painting in form of a stick. The type of pigments used in Pastel are similar to those used in other art media such as oil paints. Since the surface of the pastel painting can be easily smudged, it is preserved by framing under glass or else it can be sprayed with a fixative.

Acrylic painting involves use of acrylic emulsion which dries very fast and it can be diluted with water but eventually become water-proof once it has dried. Acrylic painting it is very unique since its drying time is less than any other form of painting.

Watercolor involves suspending the pigments in a water-soluble vehicle. The most common support in this kind of painting it is the papyrus, plastics and bark papers.

Ink paintings are practically done with a liquid that has dyes and it is used to color a surface to produce a design. It is normally used for drawing with pen and its components serve many functions such as colorants and additives.

Hot wax involves using heated bees wax on to which the pigments are colored, then the liquid is later applied to a surface either a wood or canvas. This kind of technique was used in the Ancient Greek and it remained as a tradition in Eastern Orthodox.

Fresco is usually done in walls or on ceilings. This technique consists of applying the pigment on a thin wet plaster. The pigment has to be mixed with egg to act as a binding medium to attach the pigment solution to the wall.

Gouache it is similar to watercolor but the difference that comes in is that the particles are large and the ratio of pigment to water is high. The pigment is designed to be applied on an opaque surface.

Enamel it is a painting made with powdered glass for decoration purposes.

Spray paint it is a method of painting that involves a container full of paint is released in fine spray leaving a smoothly and even painted surface. It is common since it is fast and its permanence its legit.

Tempera painting consists of painting the colored pigment that has been mixed with a soluble binder. The paintings are long lasting because of the binder used to paint them.

Types of Painting

The following are the different types of painting:

  • Allegory (use of pictures and representation)
  • Bodegon
  • Figure Painting
  • Illustration (using books, posters)
  • Landscape (illustrates natural scenery such as valleys, hills)
  • Portrait (it represents a person’s face and the expressions)
  • Still Life
  • Veduta

Benefits of Painting

  • Painting boosts creativity in the creative world. It makes the artists to create something unique and interesting hence revealing their expression and motivations.
  • It helps in concentration and healing. Painting has aided in disrupting minds from the surroundings creating more concentration since all energy has been put on what’s being created.
  • Sharpens Skills
  • Painting has helped us appreciating Culture and Art.
  • Self-Knowledge
  • Painting is fun, we socialize, learn and get motivated to pursue the passion for something great.

Painting Tools

  1. You should have a wall cleaner since a dirty one would prevent from causing the paint to color up.
  2. Must have printers tape
  3. Must have quality brushes
  4. Rollers
  5. Paintbrush Cleaner
  6. Clear plastic bucket
  7. Sturdy ladder

Painting Rules

  • The following are rules that you should never break:
  • Avoid any lead paint.
  • Don’t skimp. Get high quality paints
  • Get the right tools
  • Wait for the favorable weather to paint
  • Cover everything else since splatter can occur.
  • Paint using the recommended techniques


Painting has become a very important asset in establishing a foundation for art since it is fun and therapeutic. Painting sharpens skills as well as helps us to pursue the passion of becoming great artists.

Additionally, in this article, it has stated various elements of painting such as color and composition which will aid in guiding to have great painting experience.

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Painting and Literature. Tue, 15 Jun 2021 08:30:41 +0000 "Painting is poetry seen and poetry is painting heard" - Leonardo da Vinci.

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“Painting is poetry seen and poetry is painting heard” – Leonardo da Vinci. Art is a form of social consciousness, an integral part of human culture. It is the process and outcome of the meaningful expression of feelings in an image. Literature and painting are among the main art forms. They are historically formed stable forms of creative activity, in which the artist realizes the content of life Each art form has a specific arsenal of graphic and expressive means. The primary forms of art are 1) Fine Art, 2) Literature, 3) Music, 4) Architecture, and Applied Art. Literature (Latin lit(t)eratura, literally – written, from lit(t)era – letter) – in a broad sense, the totality of any verbal texts. Literature works with the word – its main difference from other arts. The word is the basic element of literature, the link between the material and the spiritual. The representativeness is transmitted in fiction indirectly, with the help of words. Visual culture is the one that can be perceived visually. Painting belongs to this culture. Painting is the art of depicting objects on the surface with paints, with the aim to make an impression on the viewer, similar to what he would get from the real objects of nature, also by the nature of the depicted objects to cause in the viewer a certain mood or express any artistic idea. As we see, the main difference between painting and literature is the difference in the means of human exposure.

At different periods of cultural development of mankind literature was given a different place among the other arts – from the leading to one of the last. This can be explained by the predominance of one or another trend in literature, as well as the degree of development of technical civilization. For example, ancient thinkers, artists of the Renaissance and classicists were convinced of the advantages of sculpture and painting over literature. The Romanticists put poetry and music in the first place among all the arts. However, already in XVIII century in the European aesthetics there was a different tendency – promotion of literature in the first place. Lessing, who saw the advantages of literature over sculpture and painting, laid its foundation. Subsequently, Hegel and Belinsky paid tribute to this trend.

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Notre Dame de Paris by Riccardo Cocciante Sun, 16 May 2021 03:39:44 +0000 Victor Hugo was convinced that his novel Notre Dame de Paris would be ideal for an opera. Later our compatriot, the composer Alexander Dargomyzhsky, wrote the opera Esmeralda on his own libretto.

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Victor Hugo was convinced that his novel Notre Dame de Paris would be ideal for an opera. Later our compatriot, the composer Alexander Dargomyzhsky, wrote the opera Esmeralda on his own libretto. It was staged at the Bolshoi Theatre in 1847, but was not a success. The same could not be said for the great musical, which appeared a century and a half later and for which music was composed by the French master songwriter Riccardo Cocciante.

After the resounding success of Notre Dame, the composer tried his hand at musical theater again, writing several theatrical shows, including The Little Prince and Juliet and Romeo, but they could not beat the success of the “big brother”. “Notre Dame” made it into the Guinness Book of World Records as the most successful musical project in history. And today it’s hard to find someone who has never heard the song Belle, in which Quasimodo, Frollo, and Phebe confess their love for Esmeralda in a heartbreaking trio.

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Sympathy for the Devil by Mick Jagger Fri, 30 Apr 2021 03:39:54 +0000 Mick Jagger and Keith Richards wrote this song in 1968, and the Rolling Stones opened the album Beggars Banquet with the same track.

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Mick Jagger and Keith Richards wrote this song in 1968, and the Rolling Stones opened the album Beggars Banquet with the same track. It is as if Jagger becomes the devil (the narrative is written in the first person) and confesses to the numerous atrocities he has committed on earth. This list includes, for example, the trial and execution of Jesus Christ and the execution of the royal family. Jagger’s character demands not so much sympathy as respect for himself – indirectly pointing out that the blame for what he did lies with the song’s listeners, too.

It is no secret that the main source of inspiration for this hit was the book “The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov, which had just appeared in the West in English translation and was given to Mick by his girlfriend Marianne Faithfull. After “Sympathy for the Devil”, the musicians of the band were suspected of propaganda of Satanism, recalling the album Their Satanic Majesties Request, released a year before this release.

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Dante Sonata by Franz Liszt Thu, 22 Apr 2021 08:05:42 +0000 The most daring and emotional interpretations of literary subjects have only been made by romantic composers.

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The most daring and emotional interpretations of literary subjects have only been made by romantic composers. Franz Liszt, who wrote around six hundred works for piano, certainly stands out in this list. It is above all due to his virtuoso talent as a pianist, which stunned his contemporaries and is still considered unsurpassed today.

The romantic impulsiveness, the deep sensuality, the otherworldly, almost diabolical magic of his talent were embodied in works based on the great works of Goethe, Hugo and Dante. The pianist dedicated his astonishing fantasy sonata to the latter, which he calls In Reading Dante. In the sonata, Liszt uses one single motif and creates the most contrasting images on this material: the gates of hell, the anguish of suffering souls and the great love of Francesca, for whom Liszt, unlike Dante, feels compassion, forcing us to feel her grief.

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Music in painting Wed, 10 Mar 2021 14:27:46 +0000 All types of art have common roots - originating from syncretism (that is, the stage of their inseparable coexistence, for example, in ritual).

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All types of art have common roots – originating from syncretism (that is, the stage of their inseparable coexistence, for example, in ritual). Once upon a time, the features of each of the nascent arts fulfilled one of the functions necessary to reproduce ritual. But the rituals have gone away, and the arts have separated, their separate histories have begun.

Now it seems that music, painting, dance and other arts are unrelated. They have a different external form, affecting the different senses of man. But this is not entirely true, the inner connection between them has remained forever.


Music is born of sound combinations that rhythmically line up and thus make a sensory impression. Classical music uses harmonizing sounds, avant-garde art tends more toward disharmony, toward imbalance, which is similar to the very time in which this art is created: pivotal, impetuous, revolutionary.

And painting rhythmically organizes all the elements from which the picture is created: the composition, the color scheme and the palette of the work. So music and painting are created from the interaction of different constituent parts, which may refer in painting to music, and in music to painting. Let us address each of these levels separately.

Rhythm is probably the most universal basis for a work of art (and not only). It is the rhythmic organization that makes a musical, pictorial or literary text whole. Rhythm arranges the other constituent elements (notes, themes, voices or composition, colors, characters) into some order that the viewer or listener perceives and then there is an emotional response to the musical painting in their souls.

But if the music has a duration, the rhythm of it reveals itself sequentially as it plays, then we see the whole picture at once. But this is a universal impression. The rhythm in a painting also reveals itself sequentially, under observation. Longer one looks, one sees more (and hears the music caught in the colors).

Gamma and palette

You can’t imagine painting without color relationships; they fill the picture with life! And the color scale and palette systematize them, realizing the rhythm fixed in the composition as well. The color scale, as its musical analogue, determines the basic color solution of a work. Cold or warm, light or dark shades of paint will be used.

The post Music in painting appeared first on Culture Society.

The influence of paintings on works of fiction Sat, 23 Jan 2021 14:05:14 +0000 In ancient times there was a unity of word and image: the image was the word and the word was the image. The language of images for many centuries remained the most important.

The post The influence of paintings on works of fiction appeared first on Culture Society.

In ancient times there was a unity of word and image: the image was the word and the word was the image. The language of images for many centuries remained the most important.

Artists strove to achieve the expressive possibilities of the word in their paintings. There is a certain narrative quality to early painting that shows the rivalry between artists and writers.

At the same time, writers tried not to yield to painters in describing the appearance of people and nature. Nowadays, the problem of the interaction of different types of art is still relevant.

Literature is always part of the writer’s soul. It allows you to feel the unity of man and the world. Literature lessons develop moral culture and ennoble the human soul. Such types of art as painting and literature have long been closely related.

Painting and literature are inextricably linked by many threads. These types of art complement each other.

Nowadays, the image is no longer the only way to express human thought. The word can convey more subtle shades of feelings and emotions.

We also conclude that painting has always influenced fiction. Many writers have been inspired by the work of famous artists, creating their own brilliant works. We cannot deny that literature also has a strong influence on painting, because many paintings with historical and mythological subjects are written according to works of fiction.

The post The influence of paintings on works of fiction appeared first on Culture Society.
